
Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders Today


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Discover how the Raising Voices Project is empowering young people in Enugu State and cross Nigeria to become responsible  leaders and active change agents in their communities.

In the famous coal city state, east of Nigeria, a young boy named Joshua dreams of making a difference in his community. However, like many young people in his community and town, Joshua faces a challenge which millions of young people in Nigeria are even familiar with; a lack of opportunities and resources to build leadership potential. Joshua has the passion and the ideas, but needs was guidance and a platform to amplify his voice and develop his agency. Joshua’s story is one shared by countless youths across the Nigeria and Africa, each eager to contribute to social change but unsure of where or how to start. It was with Joshua and people like him in mind that I conceived the “Building Capacity for Leadership and Social Change” program idea, as part of the larger Raising Voices Project supported by the Nigeria Youth Futures Fund,  a collaborative initiative implemented by LEAP Africa to strengthen and enable young Nigerians for Youth Leadership, Activism and Social Change. 

The Raising Voices Project has an overarching goal to promote active citizenship and leadership among young people, particularly in Enugu State, Nigeria. In many communities, young people are often seen as the leaders of tomorrow, but in reality, they are also the leaders of today. The energy, creativity, and innovation to challenge the status quo and create change make them indispensable in the quest for social progress. Yet, without the proper tools and training, this potential remains untapped, and the voices unheard.

The Building Capacity for Leadership and Social Change program aimed to address this gap. By equipping young people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to lead effectively, the program sought to transform young people into catalysts for positive change within their communities. I hosted the program on X Space to make it more accessible, interactive, and engaging, drawing participants from various backgrounds and regions.

How transformative was the program?

The program was largely an interactive session focused on key leadership principles, including communication, collaboration, and strategic and critical thinking. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and receive expert feedback that empowered them to be able to solve real problem. One of the unique aspects of the program was its emphasis on practical application. Rather than just discussing leadership in theory, the sessions encouraged participants to identify pressing issues in their communities and develop actionable plans to address them. This approach ensured that the learning was not only informative but also directly applicable to the participants’ real-world contexts. For example, after the program, Joshua, who is a volunteer with a community-based organization teamed up with a group to develop a community-based project aimed at improving youth access to jobs and livelihood opportunities.

What changed?

The Building Capacity for Leadership and Social Change program has made significant difference, both for the participants and the communities their communities. Young people like Joshua left the program not just with fresh ideas and boosted confidence, but with a renewed sense of purpose and agency. Participants learned that leadership isn’t just about people in formal positions of power but is instead an attitude and approach that anyone can adopt to create change.

For the broader Raising Voices Project, the program has reinforced the importance of investing in youth as an important pathway to sustainable development. By empowering young people to take ownership of the issues that matter to them, the project has fostered a new generation of leaders who are equipped to tackle challenges, be it education, health or environmental sustainability.

But that is not all, the ripple effects of the program extend far beyond the individual participants. As these young leaders begin to responsibilities, identify problems and create solutions, they would inspire others in their communities to get involved, creating a multiplier effect that amplifies the overall impact.

What this means for the future

The success of the program shows what is possible when young people are given the right tools and opportunities; they can become powerful agents of social change. The Raising Voices Project is already demonstrating that promoting leadership and active citizenship among youth is not just beneficial but essential for creating the needed change in communities.

Finally, the Building Capacity for Leadership and Social Change program has put us in a confident pathway to achieving the goal of the Raising Voices Project. It has not only equipped young people with the skills and confidence to lead but has also inspired a movement of change that will benefit communities for years to come. The future belongs to those who dare to lead, and thanks to this program, a new generation of leaders is on the rise.

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