New Partnership Alert!


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I am thrilled to share that I have secured a new partnership with the Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) to implement a project that promotes active citizenship and leadership among youths in Nigeria. I am excited about yet another opportunity to contribute to positive youth development, empowering the next generation of leaders to drive positive change in Nigeria.

Project Overview

The Raising Voices Project aims to promote active citizenship and leadership among youths in Nigeria. The project was designed with the understanding that, despite this demographic advantage, youths in Nigeria lack requisite knowledge, skills, confidence and motivation to actively participate in governance and community development. I believe that active citizenship and leadership are essential for a healthy and thriving democracy. Thus, the project will support and enable participating youths to become active, informed and engaged citizens and leaders.


In order to achieve the overarching goal, the project will work on the following specific objectives:

  • Empower 50 youths in Enugu State, aged 18–30, with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to actively engage in civic activities and advocate for positive change in their communities.
  • Develop and implement sustainable leadership program to equip 50 young leaders with the necessary tools to drive social, economic, and political change in Enugu state and Nigeria by the end of this project in June 2024.
  • Support 50 youths in Enugu State with access to information, resources, platforms, and opportunities to effectively participate in governance and the development of their own communities.

I am grateful to Leap Africa and NYFF for this support and looking forward to collaborating with relevant changemakers and organizations to drive this project forward and make the most transformative impact possible.

I invite you to join me on this journey to create change by empowering Nigeria’s youths. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Follow me on social media (X and LinkedIn) to stay updated on the progress
  • Share my story with your network to help me reach and inspire more young Nigerians
  • Consider supporting the project financially or through in-kind donations.
  • Reach out if you are interested in this or any future partnership.

Together, we can make a difference and unlock the potential of Nigeria’s youths.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in this mission of putting young people at the center of development process.

About NYFF

The Nigerian Youth Futures Fund is a collaborative initiative implemented by LEAP Africa and funded by MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation and Luminate to strengthen and enable young Nigerians for Youth Leadership, Activism and Social Change through outcome driven policy making and inclusive resourcing that will enable them to shape National Development.

The NYFF responds to the urgent need to provide technical and financial support to the burgeoning youth-led movements in Nigeria, with the aim of sustaining their work and facilitating opportunities for learning.

Read about my participation in NYFF’s Imaginative Futures Working Group here. To learn more about the The Nigerian Youth Futures Fund, click here

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